Thursday, October 11, 2007

What's the role of the police at Trolly Turnaround Park

Several folks have mentioned an increased police presence at the Park as a deterrent to criminal activity and generally anti social behavior.

Sarah, a neighbor with kids on Kenyon, and I met up at Wonderland last night and talked a bit about police presence in the park. She will be attending the PSA meeting tonight to find out more about what the police are doing. See below for more on the meeting.

Jeff at NCHCA mentioned an upcoming meet with local police, Graham's office and ANC representative Alex Hogan. This would be a good meeting to find out what the major complaints are and the role the police can play. We should try to have some representation at this meeting or at least talk with the ANC rep to get a briefing.

One idea is to research the impact of a single sales ban on alcohol from stores near the park. I know this has a large impact on small businesses but public drunkenness has such a large impact on our ability to use and enjoy the park. Would be great if someone researched how other communities have addressed this issue and what the impact has been.

* I am highlighting actions folks are or can take with regards to the park

* PSA (Police Service Area) 302 Community Meeting
Thursday October 11, 2007
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
(This event repeats every month on the second Thursday until Saturday November 17, 2007.)
Location: Harriet Tubman Elementary School - in the cafeteria
Street: 13th & Kenyon Streets NW

PSA 302 covers the area from Park Place on the east, to 16th Street on the west, between Spring Road/Quebec Place on the north and Harvard Street on the south

All concerned residents, organizations, and businesses are encouraged to attend

To add information on the agenda or discuss
community issues please contact

Lt. Edward Delgado at 202-576-8221
Lt. Micah Pate at 202-576-8219

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